In an effort to better accommodate the growing number expected to attend Pastor Quincy's Installation, the Installation Committee has reluctantly agreed to move the 3 p.m. service to Corporate College East. Corporate College East is a division of the Cuyahoga Community College System and is located at 4400 Richmond Road in Warrensville Heights, Ohio. The service, which was scheduled to be held at Lee Road Baptist Church on Sunday, November 3, 2013 @ 3 p.m., was moved to provide for well-wishers. With Lee Road Baptist Church and guests from throughout Cuyahoga County, Detroit, New York, and the South expected to join in the afternoon's festivities, the committee thought it prudent to move the service.
"People of all ages are coming from all over the
country and we just want them to be as
comfortable as possible" said Renee Richard,
chair of the Installation Committee. "It just
didn't seem fair to the members of Lee Road
Baptist Church and our guests to take chances
on accommodations" she continued. "This is a
historical day for our church family and we
want it to be as memorable as possible." Pastor Quincy added, "I really wanted the Installation to be held in he sanctuary of Lee Road Baptist Church, but it is becoming clear that people will have a better experience at Corporate College and it provides so many valuable amenities."
In addition to the main conference room, where the service will take place, there are sufficient overflow spaces, reception spaces, restrooms, nursery and a coat check area. Also, Corporate College East has ample lighted parking and a roundabout to allow guests to be dropped off and picked up at the entrance. For more information, please contact Joyce Thompson at (216) 751-2688. Corporate College East is located only ten minutes from Lee Road Baptist Church, less than five minutes from the Marriott Cleveland East--the host hotel, and just off Interstate 271.